Standard Features
- Hardox light weight Barrel
- 8mm reinforced dished end
- Frame including, chute rack, swivel chute, feed chute
- Oil tank, cooler and hydraulic pump.
- Gearbox ZF Ecomix II CML 10 with hydraulic pump
- Single step and grab handle Driver side
- LED work light and tail lights
- NO ladder or platform
- Plastic guards (Rear only)
- 2 x Ally frame poly lined extension chutes, 1 x Ally framed poly lined ½ placement chute
- Remote controls with transit mode
- Steel grease able trunnion rollers with side mounted safety guards
- Water meter and slump gauge
- Double acting hydraulic ram with safety valve
- 200L pressurised water system
- Painted in polyurethane paint – one colour barrel – one colour frame NO company LOGO
- Removable inlet bridge
Optional Extras
- 2nd Barrel colour – Company Logo and livery
- ASL ladder and Platform
- Reverse camera
- Clear coat on barrel
- Single step both sides
- Double step both sides
- Triple step both sides
- Full ally chutes
- Swivel – feed chute Vibrator
Advances in design or improvements in materials are incorporated without delay, consequently we reserve the right to alter details given on this specification sheet without notice. Centre of gravity may vary depending on selected options.

Note: Specifications and mixer layout are for references only and subject to actual applications and components availability.