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From Croc to Cape

The Start of the Project The location is Bamaga Australia, one of Australia’s last frontiers. We are connected to the outside world by internet and phone. There is what you… Read More

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Turn for the Better

One of the major drivers for development of Cesco’s ground-breaking, new Frameless Low Rider mixer unit has been to reduce the risk of roll-overs, in the design of a safer,… Read More

Nov17Editorial ari Advances in New Concrete Technologies

Advances in new concrete technology

There have been a number of advances in new concrete technology in the past ten years. There have been advancements made in almost all areas of concrete production including materials,… Read More

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CESCO Australia setting a solid foundation

Did you know that CESCO Australia Limited (CAL) is also heavily involved in the civil works segment of the industry. Our company’s specialization extends heavily into civil engineering, foundation drilling and… Read More

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Spotlight On Innovation

Improving productivity, safety or efficiency in processes by implementing a simple change is any business’s dream. Diesel Editor Tim Giles finds that small innovations can result in big gains. Its… Read More

green cement

Cementing Going Green

One of the most intriguing advances in reducing the cement industry’s carbon footprint was publicised at the recent Con/Agg Expo just held in Las Vegas, USA. The following posting on… Read More